Use ... | To ... |
ALLeds | Control the LEDs of the robot. |
ALTactileGesture | Manage tactile gestures performed on the head tactile sensors. |
Event managers 
Module ... | is responsible for raising events ... |
ALBattery | related to the robot battery hardware. |
ALBodyTemperature | when some part of the hardware has reach a concerning level of temperature. |
ALChestButton | related to the robot chest button. |
ALFsr | whenever the foot contact changes. |
ALSensors | related to the robot’s sensors. |
ALSonar | related to the robot’s ultrasonic sensors. |
ALTouch | whenever the robot is touched. |
Device management 
Use ... | To ... |
ALLaser | Retrieve data sent by the Laser head. |
Deprecated modules |
ALInfrared | Use WiFi instead. |