最終更新:ID:HukTMs0QQA 2017年01月25日(水) 20:41:46履歴
An empty type.
- Python: None
- Java: void
- .Net: void
type bool
A boolean true or false value
- Python: bool
- Java: boolean
- .Net: System.Boolean
type int
A 32bit integer value
- Python: int
- Java: int
- .Net: System.Int
type float
A 32bit floating point value
- Python: float
- Java: float
- .Net: System.Float
type std::string
A standard template library string
- Python: str
- Java: java.lang.String
- .Net: System.String
type std::vector<std::string>
A standard template library vector of strings
- Python: list of str
- Java:
- .Net: System.Generics.List<System.String>
type std::vector<float>
A standard template library vector of floats
- Python: list of float
- Java:
- .Net: System.Generics.List<System.Float>
type AL::ALValue
A generic container, that can contain any of the basic types, or recursive lists of thereof
- Python: tuple
- Java:
- .Net: System.Collections.ArrayList
type boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALOwner>
shared AL::ALOwner
type boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALHierarchyOwner>
shared AL::ALHierarchyOwner
type AL::ALImage
A generic image container used in the Vision API and documented here.