最終更新:ID:6WbGog7ozQ 2016年12月04日(日) 18:49:03履歴
Namespace : AL
#include <alproxies/aldiagnosisproxy.h>
As any module, this module inherits methods from ALModule API. It also has the following specific methods:
class ALDiagnosisProxy
- ALDiagnosisProxy::getActiveDiagnosis
- ALDiagnosisProxy::getDiagnosisStatus
- ALDiagnosisProxy::getPassiveDiagnosis
- ALDiagnosisProxy::isNotificationEnabled
- ALDiagnosisProxy::setEnableNotification
- ActiveDiagnosisErrorChanged()
- PassiveDiagnosisErrorChanged()
- ALDiagnosis/RobotIsReady()
- ALDiagnosis/ActiveDiagnosisFinished()
- ALDiagnosis/DiagnosisErrorChanged()
AL::ALValue ALDiagnosisProxy::getActiveDiagnosis()
Return the actual state of the active diagnosis. Only the highest level of failure is returned.
- Returns: An ALValue with the actual active diagnosis result with the following form:
- [ int Level of failure severity, [AL::ALValue The list of device in failure] ]
- Where:
- Level of failure severity is 0 (NEGLIGIBLE), 1 (SERIOUS) or 2 (CRITICAL).
- See: nao Diagnosis key list, juju Diagnosis key list.
- The list of device in failure is a chain name or a sensor name.
- See: nao Chains, Actuator & Sensor list, juju Chains, Actuator & Sensor list.
- Example: [1, [“LArm”, “Sonar”]]
AL::ALValue ALDiagnosisProxy::getDiagnosisStatus()
Return the actual state of the active and passive diagnosis. Only the highest level of failure is returned.
- Returns: An ALValue with the summary of active and passive diagnosis result with the following form:
- [ int Level of failure severity, [AL::ALValue The list of device in failure] ]
- Where:
- Level of failure severity is 0 (NEGLIGIBLE), 1 (SERIOUS) or 2 (CRITICAL).
- See: nao Diagnosis key list, juju Diagnosis key list.
- The list of device in failure is a chain name or a sensor name.
- See: nao Chains, Actuator & Sensor list, juju Chains, Actuator & Sensor list.
- Example: [1, [“LArm”, “Sonar”]]
AL::ALValue ALDiagnosisProxy::getPassiveDiagnosis()
Return the actual state of the passive diagnosis. Only the highest level of failure is returned.
- Returns: An ALValue containing the actual passive diagnosis result with the following form:
- [ int Level of failure severity, [AL::ALValue The list of device in failure] ]
- Where:
- Level of failure severity is 0 (NEGLIGIBLE), 1 (SERIOUS) or 2 (CRITICAL).
- See: nao Diagnosis key list, juju Diagnosis key list.
- The list of device in failure is a chain name or a sensor name.
- See: nao Chains, Actuator & Sensor list, juju Chains, Actuator & Sensor list.
- Example: [1, [“LArm”, “Sonar”]]
bool ALDiagnosisProxy::isNotificationEnabled()
Get notification status. Returns true if notification is active.
- Returns: Return true if notification is active.
void ALDiagnosisProxy::setEnableNotification(bool enable)
Enable / Disable passive diagnosis notification.
- Parameters: enable – If true enables passive diagnosis notification.
Event: "ActiveDiagnosisErrorChanged"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue activeDiagnosis, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the active diagnosis status has changed.
- Parameters: eventName (std::string) – “ActiveDiagnosisErrorChanged”
- activeDiagnosis – The same return ALValue as the API ALDiagnosisProxy::getActiveDiagnosis
- subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALDiagnosis/DiagnosisErrorChanged"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue diagnosis, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the active or passive diagnosis status has changed.
- Parameters: eventName (std::string) – “ALDiagnosis/DiagnosisErrorChanged”
- diagnosis – The same return ALValue as the API ALDiagnosisProxy::getDiagnosisStatus
- subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "PassiveDiagnosisErrorChanged"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue passiveDiagnosis, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the passive diagnosis status has changed.
- Parameters: eventName (std::string) – “PassiveDiagnosisErrorChanged”
- passiveDiagnosis – The same return ALValue as the API ALDiagnosisProxy::getPassiveDiagnosis
- subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALDiagnosis/RobotIsReady"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue robotIsReady, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the active diagnosis, automatically launched after the NAOqi startup, is finished.
- Parameters: eventName (std::string) – “ALDiagnosis/RobotIsReady”
- robotIsReady – True if no critical error is detected at start-up diagnosis.
- subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALDiagnosis/ActiveDiagnosisFinished"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue type, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when an active diagnosis is finished.
- Parameters: eventName (std::string) – “ALDiagnosis/ActiveDiagnosisFinished”
- type – “wakeUp” when active diagnosis at wakeUp finished. “rest” when active diagnosis at rest finished.
- subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –