最終更新:ID:6WbGog7ozQ 2016年12月04日(日) 19:02:30履歴
Namespace: AL
#include <alproxies/albehaviormanagerproxy.h>
As any module, this module inherits methods from ALModule API. It also has the following specific methods:
どのモジュールでも、このモジュールはALModule APIからメソッドを継承します。また、以下の特定の方法があります。
class ALBehaviorManagerProxy
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::addDefaultBehavior
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorTags
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorsByTag
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorNature
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getDefaultBehaviors
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getInstalledBehaviors
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getLoadedBehaviors
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getRunningBehaviors
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getTagList
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorInstalled
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorLoaded
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorRunning
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::playDefaultProject
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::preloadBehavior
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::removeDefaultBehavior
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::resolveBehaviorName
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::runBehavior
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::startBehavior
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::stopAllBehaviors
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::stopBehavior
Deprecated methods
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorNames (deprecated)
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getSystemBehaviorNames (deprecated)
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getUserBehaviorNames (deprecated)
- ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorPresent (deprecated)
Event list
- ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorAdded()
- ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorRemoved()
- ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorUpdated()
- ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorsAdded()
- BehaviorsRun()
Signal list
void ALBehaviorManagerProxy::addDefaultBehavior(const std::string& prefixedBehavior )
prefixedBehavior – ビヘイビア名.
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorTags(const std::string& behavior)
Get tags found on the given behavior. For more details about tags, see: alanimatedspeech-advanced
behavior – The local path towards a behavior or a directory.
The list of tags found.
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorsByTag(const std::string& tag)
Get installed behaviors directories names and filter it by tag. For more details about tags, see: alanimatedspeech-advanced
tag – A tag to filter the list with.
Returns the behaviors list.
std::string ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorNature(const std::string& behavior)
Get the nature of the given behavior. For more details about natures, see: Behavior property list
tag – Behavior name.
Returns the nature name of the behavior.
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getDefaultBehaviors()
Get default behaviors
Returns: Return default behaviors
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getInstalledBehaviors()
Returns: Returns the behaviors list
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getLoadedBehaviors()
Get loaded behaviors
Returns: Returns loaded behaviors
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getRunningBehaviors()
Get running behaviors
Returns: Return running behaviors
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getTagList()
Get tags found on installed behaviors. For more details about tags, see: alanimatedspeech-advanced
Returns: The list of tags found.
bool ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorInstalled(const std::string& name)
name – The behavior directory name
Returns true if it is a valid behavior
bool ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorLoaded(const std::string& name)
Tell if supplied name corresponds to a loaded behavior
name – Behavior name.
Returns true if the name supplied is a loaded behavior
bool ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorRunning(const std::string& name)
Tell if supplied name corresponds to a running behavior
name – Behavior name.
Returns true if the name supplied is a running behavior
void ALBehaviorManagerProxy::playDefaultProject()
Play default behaviors
bool ALBehaviorManagerProxy::preloadBehavior(const std::string& name)
Load a behavior
name – Behavior name.
Returns true if it was successfully loaded.
void ALBehaviorManagerProxy::removeDefaultBehavior(const std::string& name)
Remove the given behavior from the default behaviors
name – Behavior name.
std::string ALBehaviorManagerProxy::resolveBehaviorName(const std::string& behaviorName) const
Find out the actual <package>/<behavior> path behind a behavior name.
name – name of a behavior
Returns the actual <package>/<behavior> path if found, else an empty string. Throws an ALERROR if two behavior names conflicted.
void ALBehaviorManagerProxy::runBehavior(const std::string& name)
Start a behavior and wait for its end. Return when the behavior is stopped. Throw if the behavior cannot be started or does not exist.
name – Behavior name.
void ALBehaviorManagerProxy::startBehavior(const std::string& name)
Start a behavior. Return when the behavior is started. Throw if the behavior cannot be started or does not exist.
name – Behavior name.
void ALBehaviorManagerProxy::stopAllBehaviors()
Stop all behaviors
void ALBehaviorManagerProxy::stopBehavior(const std::string& name)
Stop a behavior
name – Behavior name.
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getBehaviorNames()
Deprecated since version 1.14: use ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getInstalledBehaviors instead
Get behaviors
Returns: Returns the list of behaviors prefixed by their type (User/ or System/).
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getSystemBehaviorNames()
Deprecated since version 1.18: use Choregraphe Application Manager instead.
Get system behaviors
Returns: Returns the list of system behaviors prefixed by System/.
std::vector<std::string> ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getUserBehaviorNames()
Deprecated since version 1.14: use ALBehaviorManagerProxy::getInstalledBehaviors instead
Get user’s behaviors
Returns: Returns the list of user’s behaviors prefixed by User/.
bool ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorPresent(const std::string& prefixedBehavior)
Deprecated since version 1.14: use ALBehaviorManagerProxy::isBehaviorInstalled instead
Tell if the supplied name corresponds to an existing behavior.
prefixedBehavior – Prefixed behavior.
Returns true if it is an existing behavior
Event: "ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorAdded"
callback(std::string eventName, const std::string& behavior, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when a behavior is installed.
eventName (std::string) – “ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorAdded”
behavior – the name of the behavior installed
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorRemoved"
callback(std::string eventName, const std::string& behavior, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when a behavior is removed.
eventName (std::string) – “ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorRemoved”
behavior – the name of the behavior removed
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorUpdated"
callback(std::string eventName, const std::string& behavior, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when a behavior is updated.
eventName (std::string) – “ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorUpdated”
behavior – the name of the behavior updated
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorsAdded"
callback(std::string eventName, const std::string& behavior, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when a package containing behaviors is installed.
eventName (std::string) – “ALBehaviorManager/BehaviorsAdded”
behavior – a list containing the names of the behaviors installed
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "BehaviorsRun"
callback(std::string eventName, const std::vector<std::string>& runningBehaviorList, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the list of running behaviors change.
eventName (std::string) – “BehaviorsRun”
runningBehaviorList – list of all running behaviors
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Signals are part of the qimessaging framework, see qimessaging-python.
ALBehaviorManager::behaviorsRemoved(std::vector<std::string> behaviorsRemoved)
When behaviors are removed.
behaviorsRemoved – Paths of the removed behaviors.
ALBehaviorManager::behaviorFailed(std::string behaviorName, std::string boxName, std::string error)
When a behavior stops on error.
behaviorName – Name of the failing behavior.
boxName – Name of the box where the error occurred.
error – Error message.
ALBehaviorManager::behaviorsAdded(std::vector<std::string> behaviorsAdded)
Triggered: When behaviors are added.
Param: behaviorsAdded: Paths of the added behaviors.
ALBehaviorManager::behaviorStopped(std::string behaviorName)
Triggered: When a behavior is stopped.
Param: behaviorName: Name of the stopped behavior.
ALBehaviorManager::behaviorStarted(std::string behaviorName)
Triggered: When a behavior is started.
Param: behaviorName: Name of the started behavior.
ALBehaviorManager::behaviorLoaded(std::string behaviorName)
Triggered: When a behavior is loaded.
Param: behaviorName: Name of the loaded behavior.