最終更新:ID:HukTMs0QQA 2017年02月03日(金) 21:01:36履歴
NAOqi Interaction engines - 概要 | API | Launch trigger conditions | Advanced
The robot will automatically do the Thinking Expression when loading an Interactive Activity if Autonomous Life is already in Interactive State.
During the Thinking Expression:
- The robot says the Loading Responses of the Activity along with body language.
- If the Activity completes loading before the Loading Response sentence finishes, the entire Loading Response is still spoken.
- With remaining Activity loading time, the robot says thinking phrases (sentences such as “let’s see” and sounds such as “hummm”) randomly, one after another, along with some thinking animation.
- When Activity Loading is complete, the robot says a random remember phrase (sentence or sound such as “I found it!”).

If the Activity’s Behavior has been preloaded with ALBehaviorManagerProxy::preloadBehavior, the Thinking Expression is not used.
Name | Affected Robots | Starts when... | Ends when... |
RobotFell | NAO& Pepper | The robot is going to fall down as detected by the Fall manager. | NAO: The robot has finished falling and is stable on the ground. Pepper: After falling, the robot has been placed upright again. |
RobotPushed | Pepper | The robot has been pushed by somone as detected by the Push Recovery. | 3 seconds later, after the robot has fully rebalanced. |
RobotMoved | Pepper | The recharging hatch is closed, and someone has attempted to forefully roll the robot around. It will not be triggered if the recharging hatch is open, because in this case the wheels are not locked or powered, thus moving the robot around is considered safe. | The robot is no longer being rolled around. |
CriticalDiagnosis | NAO & Pepper | ALDiagnosis has detected an error on a CRITICAL device. | The device has recovered. Not all errors are recoverable. A notification may advise you to restart the robot. If the error continues, you may need to service your robot. |
CriticalTemperature | NAO & Pepper | ALBodyTemperature has detected an overheat on: -a CRITICAL device, or -a head joint: HeadPitch, HeadYaw. | The device has cooled to an acceptable level. |