Pepper NAO Choregraphe Naoqi wiki - PackageManager API


NAOqi Core - 概要 | API

Namespace : qi

PackageManager does not have yet a specialized proxy.

Method list

Signals list


bool PackageManager::install(const std::string& path)
Install a package from a path.

path – The path to the package file.

bool PackageManager::installCheckMd5(const std::string& path, const std::string& md5)
Check for md5 compatibility then, if successful, install the package from a path.

path – The path to the package file.
md5 – The hash of the package file.

void PackageManager::removePkg(const std::string& uuid)
Remove a package with his uuid. Throw if no package has this uuid.

uuid – The uid of the package to remove.

bool PackageManager::hasPackage(const std::string& uuid)
Check for existence of a package with his uuid.

uuid – The uid of the package to look for.

std::vector<qi::PackageInfo2> PackageManager::packages2()
Get the list of all installed packages.

qi::PackageInfo2 PackageManager::package2(const std::string& uuid)
Get a package with his uuid. Throw if no package has this uuid.

uuid – The uid of the package.

qi::PackageInfoList PackageManager::packages()
Get the list of all installed packages. With this function you cannot access to new created fields.

qi::PackageInfo PackageManager::package(const std::string& uuid)
Get a package with his uuid. Throw if no package has this uuid. With this function you cannot access to new created fields.

uuid – The uid of the package.

std::string PackageManager::packageIcon(const std::string& uuid)
Get the icon of the package specified by this uuid.

uuid – The uid of the package.
a string which is a bytearray of a png image.

AL::ALValue PackageManager::getPackage(const std::string& uuid)
Deprecated since version 1.22: Please use PackageManager::package instead

Get a package with his uuid. Throw if no package has this uuid. With this function you cannot access to new created fields.

uuid – The uid of the package.

AL::ALValue PackageManager::getPackages()
Deprecated since version 1.22: Please use PackageManager::packages instead

Get the list of all installed packages. With this function you cannot access to new created fields.

AL::ALValue PackageManager::getPackageIcon(const std::string& uuid)
Deprecated since version 1.22: Please use PackageManager::packageIcon instead.

Get the icon of the package specified by this uuid.

uuid – The uid of the package.

Javascript sample
function LoadPackageIcon(uuid) {
    var bytes = new Uint8Array(buff);
    var iblob = new Blob([bytes.buffer]);
    var image = document.getElementById('PkgIcn'+uuid);
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function(e) {
        image.src =;
    },function(error){AddLog('Unable to get Package Icon', true);});


qi::Signal<qi::PackageInfo2> PackageManager::onPackageInstalled2
Signal emitted after a package has been installed.

qi::Signal<qi::PackageInfo2> PackageManager::onPackageRemoved2
Signal emitted after a package has been removed.

qi::Signal<qi::PackageInfo> PackageManager::onPackageInstalled
Signal emitted after a package has been installed.

qi::Signal<qi::PackageInfo> PackageManager::onPackageRemoved
Signal emitted after a package has been removed.

qi::Signal<qi::PackageInfo> PackageManager::packageInstalled
Deprecated since version 1.22: Please use PackageManager::onPackageInstalled instead

Signal emitted after a package has been installed.

qi::Signal<qi::PackageI> PackageManager::packageRemoved
Deprecated since version 1.22: Please use PackageManager::onPackageRemoved instead

Signal emitted after a package has been removed.