Pepper NAO Choregraphe Naoqi wiki - ALNavigation API


概要 | API Navigation | API Explorration

Namespace: AL

#include <alproxies/alnavigationproxy.h>

Method list

他モジュールと同様に、このモジュールはALModule APIからメソッドを継承します。以下のように、明示的に継承する方法もあります。

class ALNavigationProxy

Navigation API: Exploration and localization API:
  • ALNavigationProxy::explore
  • ALNavigationProxy::stopExploration
  • ALNavigationProxy::saveExploration
  • ALNavigationProxy::getMetricalMap
  • ALNavigationProxy::navigateToInMap
  • ALNavigationProxy::getRobotPositionInMap
  • ALNavigationProxy::loadExploration
  • ALNavigationProxy::relocalizeInMap
  • ALNavigationProxy::startLocalization
  • ALNavigationProxy::stopLocalization
Deprecated methods:

Event list


bool ALNavigationProxy::navigateTo(const float& x, const float& y)


ALMotionProxy :: moveToとは異なり、ロボットは移動中に独自のパスと速度を選択できます。 ロボットが障害物に近づくほど速度は低下します。 障害物回避nの危険性が高くなった場合(セキュリティエリアに障害物が検出されるとすぐに)、ロボットはALNavigationProxy :: moveToのように停止します

This is a blocking call.
x – X軸における距離[m]
y – Y軸における距離[m]
True: ロボットが目標にたどり着いた場合、 False:障害物によってロボットが停止したもしくは目標までの経路を計算できなかった場合

navigationProxy.navigateTo(2.0, 0.0)

bool ALNavigationProxy::moveAlong(const AL::ALValue& trajectory)
trajectory –
ALValueは直接軌道[Holonomic、pathXY、finalTheta、finalTime]、または合成軌道["Composed"、direct trajectories]を記述しています。
pathXYは、2Dパスを記述するALValueであり、[“Composed”, direct paths]という構成で、直接パスまたは合成パスのどちらかです。

True: ロボットが軌道動作指示を成功した場合、もしくは障害物によって確実に停止した場合。

navigationProxy.moveAlong(["Composed", ["Holonomic", ["Line", [1.0, 0.0]], 0.0, 5.0], ["Holonomic", ["Line", [-1.0, 0.0

AL::ALValue ALNavigationProxy::getFreeZone(float desiredRadius, float displacementConstraint)

desiredRadius – The radius of free space we want in meters.
displacementConstraint – The max distance we accept to move to reach the found place in meters.
ALValue [Free Zone Error Code, result radius (meters), [worldMotionToRobotCenterX (meters), worldMotionToRobotCenterY (meters)]]

qi::Future<AL::ALValue> ALNavigationProxy::findFreeZone(float desiredRadius, float displacementConstraint)
Looks for a free circular zone of a specified radius not farer than a specified displacement. To do this the robot moves and looks around itself. This is a blocking call.
指定された半径よりも狭い範囲で自由に動ける円形ゾーンを探します。 その際、ロボットは動いて周囲を確認します。 これはブロッキングコールであり、処理が完了するまで動作は停止されます。
desiredRadius – 自由に動けるスペースの半径[m]
displacementConstraint – 見つかった場所への移動距離の許容最大値[m]
a cancelable qi::Future<ALValue> [Free Zone Error Code, result radius (meters), [worldMotionToRobotCenterX (meters), worldMotionToRobotCenterY (meters)]]
desiredRadius = 0.6
displacementConstraint = 0.5
navigationProxy.findFreeZone(desiredRadius, displacementConstraint)
Python script for free zone
The following command makes the robot move to the center of the free zone if everything went OK.

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-

"""Example: Use findFreeZone Method"""

import qi
import argparse
import sys
import almath
import math

def main(session):
    This example uses the findFreeZone method.
    # Get the services ALNavigation, ALMotion and ALRobotPosture.

    navigation_service = session.service("ALNavigation")
    motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
    posture_service = session.service("ALRobotPosture")

    # Wake up robot

    # Send robot to Stand Init
    posture_service.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)

    # Scanning the environement.
    # Add here an animation with timelines and moves (less than 60 seconds).  #
    # For example :
    motion_service.moveTo(0.0, 0.0, 2.0 * math.pi)
    desiredRadius = 0.6
    displacementConstraint = 0.5
    result = navigation_service.findFreeZone(desiredRadius, displacementConstraint)

    errorCode = result[0]
    if errorCode != 1:
        worldToCenterFreeZone = almath.Pose2D(result[2][0], result[2][1], 0.0)
        worldToRobot = almath.Pose2D(motion_service.getRobotPosition(True))
        robotToFreeZoneCenter = almath.pinv(worldToRobot) * worldToCenterFreeZone
        motion_service.moveTo(robotToFreeZoneCenter.x, robotToFreeZoneCenter.y, 0.0)
    else :
        print "Problem during the update of the free zone."

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="",
                        help="Robot IP address. On robot or Local Naoqi: use ''.")
    parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559,
                        help="Naoqi port number")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    session = qi.Session()
        session.connect("tcp://" + args.ip + ":" + str(args.port))
    except RuntimeError:
        print ("Can't connect to Naoqi at ip \"" + args.ip + "\" on port " + str(args.port) +".\n"
               "Please check your script arguments. Run with -h option for help.")

AL::ALValue ALNavigationProxy::startFreeZoneUpdate()
Deprecated since version 2.5: No more necessary: instead, directly call ALNavigationProxy::getFreeZone.

Starts a loop to update the mapping of the free space around the robot. It is like ALNavigationProxy::findFreeZone but this time the user is responsible for the move of scanning. It is a non-blocking call. Call ALNavigationProxy::stopAndComputeFreeZone to get the result. The maximum time for the scanning is 60 seconds. After that the update is stopped automatically. Clears the map if called again.

AL::ALValue ALNavigationProxy::stopAndComputeFreeZone(float desiredRadius, float displacementConstraint)
Deprecated since version 2.5: No more necessary: instead, cancel the future of ALNavigationProxy::findFreeZone.

Stops the update and returns the result. If the update was not running it returns error code 1.

desiredRadius – The radius of free space we want in meters.
displacementConstraint – The max distance we accept to move to reach the found place in meters.
an ALValue [Free Zone Error Code, result radius (meters), [worldMotionToRobotCenterX (meters), worldMotionToRobotCenterY (meters)]]


Event: "Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/Status"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue status, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when status of the local navigator changes.

eventName (std::string) – “Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/Status”
status – New local navigator status. Please refer to ALNavigation for details.
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –

Event: "Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/ObstacleDetected"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue position, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when an obstacle is detected in the close area.

eventName (std::string) – “Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/ObstacleDetected”
position – Array formatted as [x, y], representing the position of the detected obstacle in FRAME_ROBOT.
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –

Event: "Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/MovingToFreeZone"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue status, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the robot starts or stops a motion to leave an obstacle neighbourhood.

eventName (std::string) – “Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/MovingToFreeZone”
status – 1.0 when the robot starts and 0.0 when it has finished its motion.
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –

Event: "Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/TrajectoryProgress"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue progress, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the trajectory progress is updated.

eventName (std::string) – “Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/TrajectoryProgress”
progress – percentage of the current trajectory accomplished, between 0.0 and 1.0.
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –

Event: "Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/AbsTargetModified"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue newTarget, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when the required target is unreachable because it is inside an obstacle.

The robot then computes the closest target to the initial one.

eventName (std::string) – “Navigation/AvoidanceNavigator/AbsTargetModified”
newTarget – the new target of the robot in FRAME_WORLD.
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –

Event: "Navigation/MotionDetected"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue sensorData, std::string subscriberIdentifier)
Raised when a sensor detects that something is moving around the robot.

Current implementation is based solely on Pepper Infra-Red.

eventName (std::string) – “Navigation/MotionDetected”
sensorData – Array formated as [Sensor, Position, Detected], where: Sensor is the name of the sensor that detected the motion; Position is the 3D position, in FRAME_WORLD, of the detected movement around Pepper; Detected is a boolean equals to true if the movement corresponds to something arriving in Pepper’s vicinity and false if it corresponds to something leaving Pepper’s vicinity.
subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –

Free Zone Error Code

0OK. You can trust the result center and radius, and asked constraints were respected.
1KO. There was a problem, do not take into account the returned center and radius.
2CONSTRAINT KO. There was no problem but the asked constraints are not fullfilled, returned best approching solution